So today I got my Mac Air 13”, 8GB, 128GB SSD. I am a brand new mac user and I chose this product because it sutes me well. Besides the very nice finishings (I may be inventing a word here) that battery lasts forever. I can program the whole time in a flight from Germany to Brasil!
Well, here are the things I remember I did today:
I tried to run git, and it warned me that I should install Xcode Cli something. It did it for me.
After that, I downloaded thoughtbot’s laptop and ran it. It installed mostly all the tools I need for development. PHP 5.5 was already installed.
Then I installed my dotfiles and after making some adjustments it seems to work fine.
I faced one problem with vim (the original vim was replaced by the latest version, by the laptop script). The problem is (still is by the time of this writting) that I cannot yank text. When I delete text, that goes to the system clipboard, but when I yank, nothing happens.
I installed neovim, and it was pretty strait forward. I also installed python3, and it was very easy, unlike doing that on the linux boxes I work regularly.
$ brew tap neovim/neovim
$ brew install --HEAD neovim
$ brew install python3
$ pip install neovim
I installed macvim, in the hope the yanking problem would be working there, but I was mistaken. Plus, in order to install macvim I had to install the whole xcode app and not just the lean CLI version of that.
I installed mysql with homebrew and that was pretty easy.
I cloned a ruby project and a php project and made sure that I could install dependencies and run the tests. It worked fine.
My wife is now installing Photoshop and Lightroom. Lets see how much disk it will use and how it will perform on this notebook. We hope we can buy her Mac Pro anytime soon
Well, turns out the yanking thing was that the VIMs I have do not support
set clipboard=unnamedplus
. I had to change it to set clipboard=unnamed
PHP Stuff
Installing xdebug:
$ brew tap homebrew/homebre-php
$ brew install php55-xdebug